The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Since graduation I have been structural lumber inspector, fertilizer, salesman and spent 35 years in agricultural banking (from Credit, Maryland National Bank & Equitable Trust). Spent 12 years as executive director of the Delmarua Poultry Industry, Inc. which represents area poultry industry. Retired December 1998. Formerly served on MD State Fair Board, MD Agricultural Commission, Univ. of MD Dean Advisory Board, Univ. of MD Easter Shore Agricultural Advisory Board, Maryland Virginia College of Veterinary Medicine Advisory Board. Currently serve on Board Harry R Hughes center for Agro-Ecology (secretary), Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation, Delmarua Poultry Industry Board, University of Delaware Deans Advisory Board, Joan B Parsons Foundation (secretary) (contribute to organizations serving seniors), Board Pets on Wheels, take pets to hospitals/nursing homes, Deers Head Hospital Center (state hospital) Chair Citizens Advisory Board, Board DHHC Volunteers, Finance Committee-St. Peters Episcopal Church, Board of Directors Lower Shore Chapter-Amer. Red Cross 2 years as chairman. Was married 53 years. Wife died Oct. 07, 2 sons, one died July 05. Oldest son works at Monster Racing-Dover, DE.